Act Justly,Love Tenderly,Walk Humblywith your God

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St. Anne's Catholic High School for Girls

It is a privilege to welcome you to our website. Whether you are an existing or prospective parent, member of staff, student past or present, it will provide you with an insight to life within our Learning Family.

You will see that St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls offers an outstanding education, where academic success is complemented by breadth of achievement. Every facet of school life is underpinned by the gospel values and delivering high quality education is the norm.

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St. Anne's

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Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope

The Holy Father, Pope Francis has declared that the Jubilee of 2025 will have the theme ‘Pilgrims of Hope.’ We have planned a number of events to reflect this special period of time.

We particularly look forward to our own Pilgrimage of Hope taking place on July 10th, to Westminster Cathedral. There, our whole community will gather and celebrate Mass for our school's 30th Year Anniversary.

St. Anne’s sees this as an opportunity for our school to affirm our steadfast commitment to our Catholic ethos and the teachings of the Church, as well as taking part in the greatest form of worship - the Mass. Further details of how you can be involved will be shared soon.