Literacy and Numeracy


Literacy is the ability to read, write, speak and listen in a way that lets us communicate effectively and make sense of the world. Here at St. Anne’s we are always finding ways to boost our literacy.  We appreciate that literacy takes on many forms, and we strive hard to ensure it is embedded into all subject areas and form time at St. Anne’s.

Literacy Ambassadors

Here at St. Anne’s we have a firmly established team of literacy Ambassadors.  Every week Literacy Ambassadors from across KS3 meet to discuss and plan ways to improve how literacy is implemented across the school.  We have a Chair of each year group (Yr7-9) and deputies who have been voted in by other members.  We meet with all literacy members and learn ways to help improve students’ understanding of literacy and how it can be improved.  We plan events, assemblies, competitions and the future of literacy in school.  The impact of the literacy team demonstrates its value as a core aspect of school. Students at KS3 are welcome to join the literacy team at any time and should see Miss Lee for information on how to join.

Just some of the benefits students gain from having a Literacy Team:

  • A sense of community
  • Team building
  • Planning and Decision-making
  • Ownership
  • Fun!
  • Strategizing
  • Budget-holding
  • Collaborating
  • Building confidence
  • Ambassadors to the school
  • Our ideas come to fruition

Literacy Activities which have taken place at St. Anne’s:

  • Form time registration and literacy booklets on SPaG linked to a fortnightly focus
  • Literacy Co-ordinators of each subject department and Literacy Packs for each department linked to targets and curriculum
  • Centralised literacy resources
  • Sharing Good Practice Bulletin with literacy foci from departments
  • Teach Meet presentation on ‘Golden Nuggets of Literacy’
  • SPaG workshops developed from PiXL PLCs
  • Assemblies
  • Word of the Week
  • Collaborations with other projects and departments
  • World Book Day
  • Author visits

Literacy Co-ordinator: Mrs. S. Gregory


Numeracy is about being able to understand and use numbers in a range of situations in school and outside school.

St. Anne’s is committed to raising the standards of numeracy for all of its students. Number work and fluency with numbers can change the way we understand and interpret the world around us, specifically how important numbers are to our everyday life. We want all of our pupils to be confident and capable in the use of numeracy to support their learning in all areas of the curriculum and to acquire the skills necessary to help achieve success in further and higher education, employment and adult life.

Plan for the Year

As a team, we have a co-ordinator from the Maths Department, Mr Davies-Alexis, as well as a member from each department in the school to enable the exploration of Numeracy in all subjects. We meet throughout the year to ensure Numeracy can and has been delivered throughout the curriculum. Challenges will be set throughout the week on the Maths Twitter as well as Teams. We hope our girls can establish confidence in their abilities and continue to learn effectively with the mathematics that is all around them.


Our Year 9 Numeracy Ambassadors are confident, enthusiastic and passionate about mathematics. They work closely with Mr Davis-Alexis, our school Numeracy Coordinator, and previous Numeracy Ambassadors to deliver engaging activities to make maths more exciting across the school. They do this through different programmes both motivating and inspiring other students to broaden their knowledge of mathematics.

Numeracy Ambassadors are:

  • Easy to talk to and great communicators
  • Enthusiastic about mathematics
  • Passionate about encouraging others to reach their full potential
  • Great at teamwork
  • Creative minds working towards a shared goal
  • Very open to any ideas students might have about fundraising, competitions etc. as we will be doing different competitions where prizes can be won.

Maths Co-ordinator: Mr. C. Davies-Alexis


  Numeracy Magazine 2     


All students can use this Numeracy Booklet to aid their Numeracy skills.

Your daughter can use the booklet in school to support her numeracy learning within a range of subjects such as ‘Graphs’ in Geography or even outside of school, your family can produce numeracy tasks with baking and ‘conversions’. 

As well as the booklet, these websites can be useful: