
St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls is committed to providing high quality and inclusive Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) to all students and recognises the important role that careers education and work-related learning plays in:  

  • Raising aspirations and inspiring all young people to achieve their full potential
  • Empowering all young people to make well-informed decisions when planning and managing their own futures
  • Preparing all young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life, so they make a successful transition from school to adult life.
  • Equipping all young people with the skills, attitudes, knowledge and understanding to sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their working lives
  • Promoting and celebrating equality of opportunity, diversity, social mobility and challenging stereotypes

Please click for our Careers Policy: Careers Policy

Student Entitlement

Every student from year 7 to 13 is entitled to high quality career education and guidance as part of their overall education, which ensures that students are provided with independent careers guidance, which enables them to:

  • Find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
  • Hear from a range of providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through pathways events, assemblies, group discussions and taster events
  • Understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses
  • Receive one to one impartial careers guidance from a level 6 qualified careers advisor.

We welcome feedback from our Parents, Carers, Employers, Further and Higher Education providers and other Stakeholders. Please contact Mrs J Lee if you wish to make an appointment to see her or should you have any questions regarding our careers provision.

Careers Leader & Adviser: Mrs Julie Lee - 

Our Careers Programme: Provider Access Legislation (Updated In January 2023)

In January 2023, the updated provider access legislation (PAL) comes into effect. It specifies schools must provide at least six encounters with approved providers of apprenticeships and technical education for all their students: Two encounters for pupils during the ‘first key phase’ (year 8 or 9) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend Two encounters for pupils during the ‘second key phase’ (year 10 or 11) that are mandatory for all pupils to attend Two encounters for pupils during the ‘third key phase’ (year 12 or 13) that are mandatory for the school to put on but optional for pupils to attend The new legislation aims to help learners understand and apply for both apprenticeships and a broad range of technical education options including T-Levels and Higher Technical Qualifications.

The careers programme is a planned, for all students in Years 7-13. In line with government statutory guidance and with the aim of fully meeting the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks and the Six Learning of the CDI Framework.  It is a progressive programme of activities which supports students in choosing 14-19 pathways that suits their interests and abilities and helps them to follow a careers path and sustain employability throughout their working lives.

Mrs Lee, our Careers leader is qualified to Level 6 in Careers Guidance and Development and follows the CDI code of Ethics.

Mrs Lee ensures that careers education, information, advice and guidance is:

  • Presented in an impartial manner
  • Includes information on the full range of education or training options, including apprenticeships and other vocational pathways
  • Guidance give aims to promote the best interests of the students to whom it is given
Year 7 Careers Programme   Year 8 Careers Programme Year 9 Careers Programme
Year 10 Careers Programme Year 11 Careers Programme Sixth Form Careers Programme

Careers Newsletters

Quality in Careers Standard - Awarded in July 2023

St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls has been awarded the Quality in Careers Standard. This accreditation recognises the school’s commitment in providing excellent careers provision for all of our students.  We are extremely proud.

View our news article here and certificate below. 

Partnerships with External Providers and Stakeholders

By working in partnership with external agencies, we will provide accurate and focused careers information, advice and guidance tailored to individual needs to enable young people to make informed choices about their future career routes.

We always welcome the opportunity to develop new partnerships to add to our existing partnerships. If you are an employer, apprenticeship provider, university, higher education provider, a parent or alumni and would like to arrange to come in to deliver careers related talks to our students, please contact: Mrs Julie Lee (Contact Details above).

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers

We are keen to gain feedback from a range of stakeholders including parents, students, teachers and employers. If you would like to give us feedback about our careers programme, please get in touch using the email above.

If you are interested in working with young people but unsure how, please see the following guide which helps employers to effectively support students with experiences of the workplace:

If you are interested in talking to our students, please fill in this form:


Unifrog is a complete destinations platform that allows students, parents and staff to search for opportunities and support our girls to make applications for their next steps.

All students have a personalised account with login details.Students click here to sign in.

Parents can create their own Unifrog account. To do this, please request a password from Mrs Lee by emailing her at 

St. Anne's Staff also have access to our Unifrog platform. 

Work Experience

Although Work Experience is not arranged through the school, we encourage our students in KS4 and KS5 to find work placements during the school holidays. The aim is to help give them a better understanding of, and be better prepared for, life in the adult workplace. Students can request to meet with Mrs Lee who will discuss what type of work experience would be beneficial according to each student’s aspirations and choices. Students are encouraged to research what type of work experience would suit them and further guidance will be offered on how to contact employers for work placements.

In June 2023, both Year 10 & Year 12 Students took part in a Work Shadow day. They were encouraged to spend the day with a Parent or nominated Guardian to experience the world of work in a variety of settings. 

Questionnaires and feedback for Parents/Carers and Students

Careers provision questionnaire form for Parents/Careers.  This form will be used as part of the school’s review and evaluation process for careers education information and guidance (CEIAG).

Parents Questionnaire - Please email completed Questionnaires to Mrs Lee 

A survey has also been shared with our Students. Please see below for a sample of results

Students Survey - 2023 Sample Results

Have you found this online information page useful? Please complete our Parents/Carers Survey:

Student's Resources

Useful Websites for Students:

Please watch the launch video for your key stage, which will give you information on how to activate your Unifrog account:

·  KS3 launch

·  KS4 launch

·  KS5 launch

Useful Resources:

Labour Market Information

Labour Market Information (LMI) is the name for facts and figures about jobs and employment. The information is used to give an overall picture of the past, present and future of work. The labour market is the term used to describe the amount of people working and looking for work, and the amount of jobs. 

Useful Links

Have a look on the websites below for more useful information:


The Careerometer can be used to explore and compare key information about occupations, help you learn about different occupations and identify potential careers. It provides access to a selection of UK headline data relating to pay, weekly hours of work and future employment prospects for different occupations, as well as description of the occupation.

Simply click on the dotted square and type in the title of the job you are interested in. The widget will then provide a series of options from which you can select the most relevant to you. You can then look up another occupation and compare them. You can also select ‘Display the UK average’ and compare the information with the occupation chosen

Use this link to access to Careerometer:

St. Anne's Destination 2022

Under the Gatsby Benchmarks for excellent Careers Education in schools, it is our duty as a school to maintain records on the destinations (where and what students have gone on to do) of our students for 3 years after they finish Year 11.

The purpose of collecting this data is to ensure our students are provided with the best possible careers information, advice and guidance; and to inform our planning and evaluation of our careers provision. Destination measures can help us to monitor careers provision and tailor guidance to individual students.

We support our students in whatever pathway they choose and this has led to successful destinations to further education, Higher Education, Employment and Apprenticeships.

Through data analysis we found that our destinations data continues to see an upward trend despite the current climate.  This means that our CEIAG (careers education information advice and guidance) provision for students is effective and the heavy emphasis and importance that is placed upon it is worthwhile. Our destinations data is updated on an annual basis.

An appropriate destination will be bespoke to each student and is determined by a range of factors, for example: attainment (or predicted attainment) and aptitudes; subject choices; hobbies and interests; career aspirations; skills and talents; and the labour market. This complexity means there will be several appropriate options for each student. It is therefore important that the student has considered the range of options available to them, which is supported by our in school Careers Advisor along with the Sixth Form Team.

Year 11 through to Year 13

Throughout Year 11 up to Year 13, all students will be offered at least one careers meeting with our in house careers advisor. Year 13 will also be offered further support and guidance from our in house UCAS Coordinator.  Support for decision-making, applications and preparation for further education and training will be given to our students during this meeting and follow-up meetings will be arranged as needed. Students can also speak to other members of staff to support their decision-making, including the Senior Leadership Team, Form Tutors, Teachers and the Sixth Form Team. Support will be targeted for those who have no intended destination and are at risk of becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training).

In accordance with statutory guidance set out by the government (Education and Skills Act 2008), we collect ‘destination data’ on our Year 11 students. Throughout Year 11, students will be asked for information on their intended destinations, including their applications, interviews and offers of study for post-16 education or training. Compiling this data allows:

  • Accurate tracking of intended post-16 destinations for all students
  • Identification of any students who need further careers information, advice and guidance (IAG) support or aspirational encouragement
  • Sharing of intended destinations with the Local Authority (LA), in line with statutory guidance
  • Sharing of information with the LA on students at risk of becoming NEET after Year 11

Destinations that our Year 13 students have gone on to include:

  • University of Cambridge - Theology, Religion, and Philosophy of Religion
  • University of Warwick – History 
  • St. George's - Biomedical Science
  • London School of Economics - Economics, History & Geography
  • King’s College London – Accounting & Finance
  • University of Nottingham – Mental Health Nursing
  • University of Southampton – Psychology
  • University of Manchester – Sociology & Data Analytics
  • University of Kent – Graphic Design
  • University of Greenwich – Primary Education
  • Nottingham Trent – Criminology

Destinations that our Year 11 students have gone on to include:

  • St. Anne’s Sixth Form
  • Big Creative Education College
  • BRIT School
  • Woodhouse Sixth Form College
  • LEA Tottenham & Stratford

Our Destinations data gathered by the Local Authority shows our commitment to supporting all of our students on to the next stage of their education. Please see data below from the Local Authority Destinations Activity Survey Report for
St. Anne’s 2022. We had 100% of Year 11 students in further education placements on leaving Key Stage 4.
For the full Destinations Report, please click here.

St Anne's Catholic School For Girls 2021 Activity Survey

Year 11 Leavers - 1st November 2022


Virtual Insights

Virtual Work Experience Placements

Parent Guides: