
It is important that students follow the guidelines set out by our own exams office and also make themselves aware of the information given to them from the JCQ (Joint Council for Qualifications).

Our Exams Office has produced a guidance booklet for students and parents and carers. For a copy please click here.

For the JCQ information please open the links below:

Ms E Hewittt - Exams Officer 

Exams Timetable: Summer 2024

Summer 2024 Contingency Examination Days

GCSE, BTEC and A level exams will be held between 9 May and 25 June 2024. Exam board timetables for the 2024 summer exam series of GCSEs, AS and A levels are available on the Joint Council for Qualifications website.

The Summer 2024 exam timetable contains 3 contingency sessions on the afternoon of 6 June and afternoon of 13 June, and all day on 26 June. These sessions would be used in the unlikely event that an exam had to be moved nationally because it could not take place when planned.

Students must be available for all 3 contingency sessions, even if they do not have exams scheduled on that day. These sessions cannot be used to reschedule an exam that students have missed. If an exam has to be moved to one of these sessions, the school will inform them.

The School has been asked to ensure candidates and parents are aware of the contingency arrangements on these three days. You should consider the contingency day of 26 June 2024 as the final exam day when making plans for the summer.

Candidates must be available until 26 June 2024 should examinations need to be rescheduled. Please do not make plans to go on holiday before 27 June 2024.


Key Stage 4 Results:

  • Progress 8 score: 0.8
  • Attainment 8 score: 55.95
  • The percentage of pupils who achieved a grade 5 or above in GCSE English and GCSE maths (combined): 58.1%.
  • The percentage of pupils staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4: 91% (2020/21 cohort)
  • The percentage of pupils who were entered for the English Baccalaureate (EBacc): 69.3%
  • EBacc average point score (APS): 5.14


Huge Congratulations to our 2022 Year 11 Students:
Congratulations to all our students on a fantastic set of GCSE results. Achieved in the context of coming out of the deepest crisis to hit education since the Second World War, the outcomes are quite phenomenal.

Well done and thank you to all – students, parents and carers and of course staff. All have showed such patience, tenacity and innovation across a two year course that had been severely blighted by the pandemic. We wish all our students the very best as they progress to the next stage of their Learning Journey.

We are incredibly proud of our Year 13 Students who achieved excellent results in their A Level and BTEC Level 3 exams this summer
A third of all grades were A*-A and over 80% were A*-C. We are delighted that, in a highly competitive year, over 80% of those who chose to apply for university were awarded a place at their first-choice institution.

Our Head Girl, Ozgecan, achieved A* A* A* and is off to Cardiff University to study law. She was a phenomenal role model during her time as Head Girl and we wish her every success. She was among the 40% of students who achieved at least AAB grades. 

This was the first year of public exams following the unprecedented disruption of the pandemic and for our students to have achieved such strong results is testament to their hard work, dedication and determination. They amazed us every day with their positivity and resilience and the institutions that they are moving on to for further study or training are incredibly lucky to have them. We wish them every success in the future and ask them always to remember that, with God all things are possible.



  • 61.3 Attainment 8 Score
  • 81% with a standard pass 4+ in English and Maths
  • 67% with a strong pass 5+ in English and Maths
  • 58% achieved a standard pass in the English Baccalaureate
  • 45% achieved a strong pass in the English Baccalaureate
  • Average EBAcc APS score per pupil 5.62


  • 24%   A* - A Grades
  • 77%   A* - B Grades
  • 91%   A* - C Grades
  • 100% A* - E Grades

64% of students studying 3 A Levels achieved grades ABB or higher, with 40% achieving at least A*AA. This reflects the exceptional dedication and diligence that they have displayed throughout the pandemic. Overall, 77% of all A level grades were A*-B grades.

Of our students studying Level 3 BTEC courses (either alone or in combination with one or more A Level subjects), 100% achieved the equivalent of CCC at A Level, with 61% achieving the equivalent of ABB and 26% achieving the equivalent of A*AA.


Congratulations to all Students & Staff on another set of excellent GCSE exam results this Summer. Well Done Year 11 Class of 2019

Progress 8 Score: 0.87 (Well above Average)

Attainment 8 Score: 57

EBacc: 73% of Year Group Entered EBacc

EBacc Average Point Score: 5.29


  • 88% Grade 4 and above
  • 81% Grade 5 and above
  • 44% Grade 7 and above


  • 75% Grade 4 and above
  • 67% Grade 5 and above
  • 31% Grade 7 and above

Overall Figures:

  • 37% = 9-7 Grades inc A* – A
  • 72% = 9-5 Grades inc A* – B



To view the DfE School Performance Tables - Click Here.