Pastoral Support


In Year 7 -11 we have six form groups, with each year group belonging to a particular house. Each House has a Head of House who is responsible for the community spirit within that year group, and they work closely with the Pastoral Team.


Each year group has their own non-teaching member of staff, who links in with the form tutors, Heads of House and is supported by the Strategic Leadership Team. The support structure has been developed to ensure maximum personal attention to help the students achieve their best.

Year 7 Ms. E. Cassidy-Jbiri
Year 8 Ms. S. Ibrahim
Year 9 Ms. C. Labonne
Year 10 Mr. R. Neil
Year 11 Ms. M. Labonne
Sixth Form Mrs. J. Hamilton

Students who need additional support, encouragement and guidance benefit from a range of services and support staff in school.

The school has a SENDCo - Mrs C. Vowles, and SEND Team dedicated to those students who need extra support. They work closely with the Pastoral Team and our School Counsellor.

We also use external services: Educational Psychology Service, Speech and Language Therapy Service, Behaviour Support Service, CAMHs and Education Welfare Service.