Proposed Sixth Form Expansion

The purpose of this page is to share our exciting new proposal for our Sixth Form at St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls, and to provide local stakeholders with the opportunity to review and comment on the project.
St. Anne’s wishes to undertake a new building expansion at the Oakthorpe Road site to provide additional capacity for the Sixth Form and to support the community by meeting the demand for more local places.
The Sixth Form has capacity for 177 students in its current setting, however, we are finding that increased demand for space at Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 and additional SEND students means that any Sixth Form expansion must be via an additional new building.
Strategically, pressures are further exacerbated by a natural demographic increase in the number of 16-17 olds within Enfield, peaking by 2028, for which our research indicates that there is a lack of Sixth Form provision in Enfield, and neighbouring boroughs such as Haringey, Barnet and Waltham Forest. The demographic increase will drive a local demand for places and will require additional space.
Duly, we are proposing to grow the Sixth Form to 240 places whilst uprating/ providing state-of-the-art facilities necessary for excellent Post 16 learning. This expansion will allow a further c30 additional students to be placed in the Sixth Form for each year group, i.e. Year 12 and Year 13, respectively.
The new building will come on line from September 2024.
In conclusion, the new provision will serve to enhance the School’s offer, as well as providing an excellent learning space that our students deserve to flourish theologically, academically and socially.
Student Numbers
- 2023/24 Year 12 (100 students), Year 13 (92 students) Total: 192
- 2024/25 Year 12 (120 students), Year 13 (100 students) Total: 220
- 2025/26 Year 12 (120 students), Year 13 (120 students) Total: 240
- 2026/27 Year 12 (120 students), Year 13 (120 students) Total: 240
Aims of the expansion
The expansion has three aims:
- Additional Capacity - We have proposed an increased 63 place provision from 177. As per ONS demographics, Enfield will increase by 1,017 16-17yr olds by 2028, reaching 10th decile in 2025. Our proposal will go some way in aligning/supporting the LA's Strategic Place Planning, and our construction timetable aligns to the LAs bulge zenith.
- Meeting national/local skills - We strive to nurture skilled women leaders. Our current/expanded offer will address skills shortages: i) nationally, our new offer will allow us to expand upon STEM subjects/Computer Science as well as Media and T Levels; ii) our Sixth Form is also one of the very few that offers MFL subjects, addressing acute shortages in linguists; and iii) locally: we are an active member of the GLA Mayor's Careers Hub, we work closely with the LAs Enterprise Coordinators, feeding into KS4 and KS5 opportunities, e.g. Meridian Water Strategy, Empowering Young Enfield, and we link to the ASK Programme (Apprenticeships).
- Efficiency and sustainability - Full tenders will be sought to progress a design and build procurement route. To address sustainability, the new additional building will be constructed to meet stringent Building Regulations and any conditions set out by the Planning Authority. We will also work with the local authority to further enhance the life chance opportunities of young people
Sixth Form Building Consultation Process
30 December 2022 – Consultation commences.
Email notification to all local schools, parents/carers, staff and Enfield local authority -
20 January 2023 – Public Meeting, 6pm to 8pm, Upper Site, 6 Oakthorpe Rd, Palmers Green, N13 5TY.
25 January 2023, 12 noon – Consultation ends.
Submitting Comments to the Consultation
Please use the questionnaire form below to submit your comments having read the information and documents carefully relating to the proposals.
The information you submit in this form will be reviewed by St. Anne’s Catholic High School for Girls, and as the ‘Data Controller’ under the UK General Data Protection Regulations, will ensure that any information is processed fairly and lawfully.
A formal planning application will be undertaken in tandem with this consultation process, the former being a statutory process independently conducted by Enfield Council. It is important to stress that we are consulting on the expansion of our Sixth Form places, and not the building design, per se. Duly, any planning related responses will be shared only for the purpose of validation which will enable a fair and just consultation. We request that you do not submit any personal information e.g. name, address.
Please note that this online form closes at midday on Wednesday 25 January 2023, so please ensure that you have reviewed and commented before this date.
Further information can be obtained from Leslie Boodram.
Email Address:
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