Physical Education
Subject Leaders: Miss. H. Troiano
Subject Teachers: Mrs. M. Panayi
Ms. A. De Graff
Ms. I. Mangelsdorf
Greenhouse Tennis: Coach Daniel Powell
St. Anne’s Physical Education Department aims to foster an understanding and enjoyment of physical activity which can be extended to a pleasurable use of leisure time. Knowledge of how physical activity contributes to overall well-being underpins our curriculum.
Students are given opportunities across a broad range of activities to be creative and competitive and to face up to different challenges alone, in groups and in teams. We aim to help students discover their aptitudes, abilities and preferences enabling them to make informed choices after leaving school and for a lifelong involvement in physical activity.
GCSE PE enables students to enjoy and understand the benefits of living a healthy and active lifestyle, and students the opportunity to study Physical Education in greater depth. It allows students to examine the effects of exercise on the human body and understand how effective training can improve performance.
GCSE PE Subject Information Sheet
All students are given the opportunity to represent their form in inter-house competitions. Students are given the opportunity to represent our school to compete in sports such as netball, football and athletics.
We offer a wide variety of recreational, extra-curricular activities before school, during lunch and after school and these are open to girls of all abilities. Depending on the time of year, these can include for example: netball, rugby, tennis, athletics, football, cricket, table tennis, basketball, fitness.
Students are given the opportunity to represent our school to compete in sports such as netball, football and athletics.
We have strong links with clubs such as Enfield Ignatians Rugby Club and Palmers Green netball Club.
We organise residential trips to PGL and to Spain for netball camps.
Coach Dan runs an extensive tennis programme that is available to all students. Clubs, one to one and small group sessions, holiday camps and mentoring form the content of the programme. Students who show an aptitude and commitment to tennis will be given the chance to progress onto the Academy Group for further training.